Celebrate International Games Day by dropping in to play board games or video games at six locations of The Seattle Public Library. Most locations will host an event on Saturday, Nov. 21 – the official date for International Games Day: Ballard Branch, 5614 22nd Ave. N.W., 206-684-4089. Noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 21 –
November 17, 2015
In the Pacific Northwest, winter storms are common and they often cause power outages. Seattle City Light crews often work around the the clock in difficult conditions to restore power quickly and safely, and have the following recommendations for how to help in an outage: To report an outage or get an update call: 206.684.7400 (recorded
November 12, 2015
Doing some holiday shopping and want to avoid the mall? Check out the Alternative Gift Market, December 5th from 9am to 4pm at Elim Baptist Church (2410 N 46th st). Here are just a few of the items you can expect: Starfish Fund Raising – Ethiopian coffee NPH International – Guatemalan Nativities Life and Hope –
November 3, 2015
From Mike at our sister site Maple Leaf Life You’ve had that ballot for weeks. It has to be postmarked by today to be counted in this year’s general election. As we wrote in October: Seattle’s first-in-a-century election of city council members by district is the focus of our upcoming November general election. But the
October 28, 2015
From The Fremont Arts Council : Trolloween is the birthday party for the Fremont Troll. The celebration party starts at 7 PM sharp on HALLOWEEN OCTOBER 31st, and after the performance, marches away through the community en mass. Trolloween’s performances have included variety/comedy shows, dramas of trolls, musicals about trolls, Greek myths, Dr. Faust, Dante’s
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