This is a reminder that there is a community meeting tonight (February 22) to brainstorm ideas for development of the Troll’s Knoll. Friends of the Troll’s Knoll is applying to the Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund, which will award up to $7 million for community initiated park development or property acquisition projects.
The main goal for tonight’s meeting is to finalize the site development plan in order to complete the application that is due April 1. They welcome any ideas for shaping the space surrounding both sides of the Fremont Troll. Back in October, Friends of the Troll’s Knoll received a $6000 matching grant from the Department of Neighborhoods Small and Simple Projects Fund. There are plans for a tree planting event sometime in April. I’ll keep you posted when they set an exact date. If anyone would like to volunteer for that or a number of different opportunities, call Kimberly Scrivner at 253-732-0885.
Tonight’s meeting is being held at Fremont Baptist Church (717 N. 36th St) from 6:30-8 p.m. The meeting room is on the east side of the building at the bottom of the ramp. You can find more information on the progress of the Troll’s Knoll project on their Facebook page or read this article here.