A recent Seattle Bike Blog story reported the Fremont Bridge Bike Counter has tallied a record number of bikes crossing the bridge thus far in 2015. The months of January, February, and March have seen an increase from 2013 and 2014 when the data began to be collected. Click on the image below for the full story:
Graphic from Seattle Bike Blog. Click for story.Fremont Universe previously featured the Fremont Bridge Bike Counter in “Some Fun Fremont Bridge Facts”:
A rare moment after bike #1 for the day crosses the bridge. Photo by: Andrew PopeThe Bicycle Counter is Seattle’s first bicycle counter and came to be through the efforts of the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the Cascade Bicycle Club. It is located on the Northwest side of the bridge and greets cyclist and pedestrians alike with the count of how many bicycles have cross the bridge for the current day and over the current year. Bonus: The data collected by the bike counter is presented with Tableau software, a Fremont-based tech company!