March 14

Lion Cubs Now on View & Fecal Fest at Woodland Park Zoo

North Fremont, Uncategorized


Image from Woodland Park Zoo

Woodland Park Zoo’s 4-month old lion cubs join their parents in the zoo’s African Savanna zone on a daily schedule from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm, weather permitting. The three male triplets, Tandie, Gandia, and Mandla were born last October and named in late January. Community members selected the name “Tandie” in an online poll and narrowed down the final selection of names for the other two cubs.

Find all the latest updates about the cubs on this Woodland Park Zoo blog. As the cubs enjoy the exhibit more the zoo encourages visitors to share their best cub pictures on Facebook or tag @woodlandparkzoo on Twitter and Instagram.

The lion cub named Gandia, meaning “clever”

You can find more fuzzballs, tiny reptiles, and more on the Zoo Babies page.

It’s time for Fecal Fest!

The Zoo’s annual compost lottery is accepting admissions now through March 29th. Fecal Fest 2015 invites local gardeners to enter a raffle for “the most desired compost in Seattle.” The Woodland Park Zoo’s website covers all the details:

What is Fecal Fest?

Get your hands on the most desired compost in Seattle. Woodland Park Zoo’s Spring Fecal Fest is right around the corner. The annual event invites local gardeners to enter a bid to purchase the exotic, highly-coveted Zoo Doo and Bedspread that Dr. Doo, also known as the “Prince of Poo,” the “GM of BM” or the “Grand Poopah,” has been piling all season.

How do I enter the lottery?

Submissions are accepted online only starting March 9 – March 29, 2015. Return here for the official entry form and entry instructions on March 9, 2015. Fecal Fest is offered twice yearly, with the Spring Fecal Fest usually taking place in March.

What happens if I am selected?

Entries will be randomly selected according to supply and demand. Dr. Doo will contact the lucky drawn entries only. The lucky winners load the compost using shovels provided by the zoo. Pick up dates are April 11 – May 3, 2015.

Info: For more information, call the poop line at 206.625.POOP (7667).

You can find Fremont Universe’s coverage of Fecal Fest 2014 here.


fecal fest, lion cubs, Woodland Park Zoo, zoo doo

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