October 31

2011 Halloween Schedule In Fremont



The festivities are about to begin in Fremont. Check out the full schedule below and get ready to see a lot of kids, adults, dogs and trolls dressed up this evening for Halloween.

3:00pm – 6:00pm: Trick or treaters are welcome in the over 100 Fremont retailers participating in Trick Or Treat Fremont.Look for that orange flyer in the window.

3:30pm: Bubbleman will be at the Lenin Statue, entertaining everyone with his bubble show.

7:00pm – 11:00pm: Trolloween festivities begin. Folks should begin gathering at The Fremont Troll as the Haunt of Fremont parade towards the Fremont Bridge will begin shortly-thereafter. Streets in the area will be closed between 4-8pm, FYI.

Happy Halloween, Fremont!


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