March 2

Your News, Your Universe

Hello Fremont!, Uncategorized



Fremont Universe is not possible without you! Thank you! Readers near and far enjoy posts about this unique community based on the emails and questions we receive. The blog collects all the information we receive and makes it accessible and shareable with the greater Fremont community.

Notice more posts recently? We are striving to provide you with even more up-to-date community content. We want to hear about even more community events and happenings from you! We can only be so many places at once so we are asking you, Fremonsters to help us know what is happening in Fremont.

New store? Closure? Crime to report? Community concerns? Events? These are all things we love to hear about! Please share with us, send us a tip!

What is a tip? Merriam-Webster offered several definitions, these two were my favorite:

1 :  a piece of advance or confidential information given by one thought to have access to special or inside sources

If anyone is an inside sources it’s other Fremonsters!

2 :  to impart a piece of information or advice about or to —often used with off

Imparting, or sharing information is exactly what we are looking for you to do! Share it with us and we will help share it with all of Fremont.

There are three ways you can tip us:

1. Send an email to 
Please include as much relevant information as you can such as links or images.

2. Tweet @fremontuniverse
Send a tweet our way or grab our attention with the #tipfremont or #FremontUFotos for images you want to share.

3.  Via Fremont Universe’s Facebook page
Post to the Fremont Universe wall, send a message, or tag Fremont Universe. (oh and we like likes!)

We are also on Instagram! Which is just plain fun.

Can’t wait to read your tips! Thank you again!

Cara, Editor


community, Fremont Universe, news, tips

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