The Ballard Boys & Girls Club is currently registering preschool through 5th participants for spring TeeBall and baseball programs. They recommend registering by March 14th (much easier for the organizers!) but will accept late applications. Practices begin March 30th in Ballard. For more information see the flyer below or visit the Ballard B&G Club’s Athletics page here.
Rookie TeeBall
Grade: Preschool (entering Kindergarten in Fall of 2015) & Kindergarten
Days: Mon., Wed. & Fri. (2 of 3 days)
Times: 5-6:30 p.m.
Dates: March 30-June 12
Type: 1st year players hitting off tee
Location: Salmon Bay Playfield
Cost: $60
Grade: Kindergarten & 1st
Days: Mon., Wed. & Fri. (2 of 3 days)
Times: 6:30-8 p.m.
Dates: March 30-June 12
Type: Hitting off tee (1 year experience)
Location: Salmon Bay Playfield
Cost: $60
Rookie Machine Pitch
Grade: 1st & 2nd Grade (Co-ed)
Days: Mon., Tues., Thurs. or Sat. (2 of 4 days)
Times: 4-8 p.m. (one-hour block)
Dates: March 30 – June 4
Type: Hitting off machine
Location: Ballard Boys & Girls Club Field
Cost: $60
Machine Pitch
Grade: 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade (Co-ed)
Days: Wednesday & Friday
Times: 4-8 p.m. (one-hour block)
Dates: April 1 – June 5
Type: Hitting off machine
Location: Ballard Boys & Girls Club Field
Cost: $60