August 11

Fremont Bridge Lane Closures for Facelift

Public Services, Uncategorized


SDOT began work this week to paint the Fremont Bridge which is no easy task considering the immensity of the project itself along with the bevy of boats, bikers, walkers, and of course, vehicles that cross the bridge every hour. Here are the most important details about the closures:

Beginning this Monday and continuing for the next several weeks the northbound traffic lane and east-side walkway will be closed from 7am-3pm Monday through Friday.

There may also be a couple of weekend closures the first of which will occur on September 6-7th. However, these closures are only scheduled for the wee hours of the morning. From 3am-6am on Saturday and 12am to 6am on Sunday. (Heads up bar-goers crossing from Queen Anne!)

You can find the full project description here as well as this great explanation about how tricky it is to repaint a bridge here, both from SDOT.

We are also pretty big fans of the Fremont Bridge here at Fremont Universe, check out our post about the bridge for more fun facts.


Construction Closures, fremont bridge, sdot

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