Even from our safe haven in Fremont it is safe to say that yesterday’s parade was a monumental event for Seattle. This city’s Seahawks pride cannot be questioned after the enthusiasm and dedicated turnout for the parade along 4th avenue to Century Link.
Rather than delve into the celebrations that larger media organizations have so adeptly covered we thought we’d share some stunning numbers to show what a big day it was for Seattlites and 12’s everywhere.
18. 5
The number of hours Dakota Heaphy, a dedicated Seahawks fan drove from Wyoming for the parade. (Source: ABC News)
The number of students reported absent in Seattle Public Schools on Wednesday morning. 51,000 students are currently enrolled in Seattle Public Schools. This number is up approximately 11,000 students from the 2,770 students reported absent Tuesday morning.
700,000 to 1 million
Estimated number of attendees for the parade which is greater than the 626,600 estimated population of Seattle from the City’s website.
The dedicated time Seahawks fans indulged in a “moment of LOUDNESS” as proclaimed by Gov. Jay Inslee. Follow the link to read, or print for your fridge, the original proclamation.
The temperature with wind chill, actual temp was 31, as reported by NOAA at Boeing Field at the time the parade began.
The number of arrests reported amongst the Seahawks parade crowd despite record numbers. (Source: MyNorthwest.com)
Some of the other things that went haywire along with the celebrations yesterday:
Buses were too full take on additional passengers from U-District and began driving straight downtown. Folks at stops along the way began to hitch hike or walk significant distances both to and from the event. Ferries were delayed by at least a half and hour and traffic did not clear from Downtown until after the normal evening commute.
Cellular systems were overloaded as well causing concerns about 9-1-1 calls getting through. At the conclusion of the event however the Mayor and SPD praised the crowds behavior and patience.
And of course, don’t forget to check out the comical “How Seattle Riots” hashtag (#HowSeattleRiots) on Twitter and now featured in other media. We may not be a rowdy city but we sure are a unique one!
In addition, Seattlite Amanda Gallagher Quinn, took #HowSeattleRiots and turned it into something incredible positive. She began a Go Fund Me fundraiser to “reimburse” the Seattle Parks and Recs department the estimated costs of repairing the delicate Iron Pergola in Pioneer Square. Quinn called the damage “a party foul” during the Super Bowl celebrations and successfully brought the community together to raise all of the necessary funds, in only 2 days. Those who wish to contribute further are encouraged to donate directly through the Seattle Parks Foundation. Check out the completed campaign page here for a little Seattle inspiration.
For a complete round up straight from the Hawks beak check this out and