Fremont’s Solstice Parade is approaching and there’s lots of things still to do, plan for and, of course, paint.
The Fremont Art Council is still on the lookout or donated materials to help them build their floats, artwork and other items for the parade.
While cash donations help us buy supplies and materials for the studio, we rely on other “scrounged” or donated materials to create fantastical art for the Fremont Solstice Parade (We can’t make all this great art without stuff!)
The place to make your donations is the The Powerhouse Solstice Studio (3940 Fremont Ave. N.) and they’re accepting through June 18th. Swing by between 6-9pm Monday through Friday or 12-5pm Saturday and Sunday. For a list of what you can donate and what they do not want (both lists are very large so read them carefully), check out their site.
What if you’re thinking about cycling in the parade but have never done it before and don’t know what to do day-of? FAC is here to help. The Solstice Cyclists will be hosting a body-painting party at corner of 3rd Ave NW and NW 36th St at 11:45 a.m. for the start of the parade on the 18th. To join the painting party, email
And if you need more info on best practices for riding in the parade, check out the official rules. Well, they’re more like guidelines, but you’ll see why they’re in place:
Don’t be creepy. Seriously. Don’t stare at people. Don’t take photographs without permission. If you’re not getting painted or helping someone get painted, don’t come.