December 1

Help turn the Red Door green on Thursday



agent-green_Red_Door_180x150The environmental group Seattle Greendrinks’ Agent Green program is organizing an event at the Red Door on Thursday in an effort to help them  reduce their carbon footprint. 

The owners of the Red Door already place a high priority on energy efficiency and sustainability.  They have an extensive recycling program, compost their waste, and their lighting is highly efficient.  They get it – going green is good for the bottom line.  The goal for this mission is to take their environmental efforts to the next level!  We are exploring the potential of solar energy, updated refrigeration units, and a host of other options that will slash their energy use and reduce their carbon footprint.   

This is the third mission for the non-profit organization.  The first Agent Green event took place in April and raised more than $18,000 for retrofits for Pike Pub & Brewery.  A second event in October resulted in similar success for Central Co-op’s Madison Market.  In total, Seattle Greendrinks has raised nearly $40,000 to date.

With support from Seattle City Light in the form of rebates, the idea is simple: have fun and meet new people while generating money for sustainability projects.  On Thursday, December 3, 25% of all sales at Red Door are being dedicated to energy and water efficiency retrofits.  From 6 to 10 p.m., Agent Green will take over the bar with live music, food and drink specials.  There will also be special discounts for those who bike, bus or walk to the event.  Grab some friends, have a good time and make a positive impact at the same time!


For more information on Seattle Greendrinks or any upcoming Agent Green events, visit their website here.


Agent Green, event, Red Door, Seattle Greendrinks

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