July 21

Rain City Video Fremont location closing…eventually



Workers at the Fremont branch (464 N. 36th St.) of Rain City Video don’t know when the end is coming, so don’t ask. But in the store and online, they’re telling you that their vast library of 20,000 DVDs is for sale, so buy, buy, buy before the store goes bye, bye, bye.

Deals are sweet at the store, where I couldn’t resist scooping up the entire second season of “Alias” for $12. (Movies are $9.95 or $12.95 for Blu-Ray.) I bought “The Best of Kids in the Hall” and “Resident Evil” too. Total cost: $28. It’s not like I need more movies, but maybe it was the guilt of being such an avid Netflix customer, which has to account for some of the demise of the neighborhood video/DVD store (I’m sure Redbox and others of that ilk don’t help either). The other two Rain City locations on Market Street and Sunset Hill aren’t closing.

It’s been forever since I’ve been in a video store. I miss the selections, the way the staff filters for the customers. I love sections like “Martial Arts/Psychotronique Internacional” or “Directors Showcase” or “Arts & Artists, Beats & Lits” with the regrettable “Henry & June,” but at least I know it’s there.

So, go now and support Fremont’s Rain City while you can. Hidden treasures await.


rain city video, store closing

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